Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Lisa's birthday is today as well, and we trust that she is celebrating surrounded by Swedish flags and sweets! Let's jump around in circles and sing the "små grodorna"-song for her today! :) Happy birthday, Lisa!

Happy Birthday, Dave!

It's Dave's birthday, let's all have pizza and celebrate the Italian style for him today! :) Happy birthday, Dave!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Marthe

It's Marthe's birthday today, and we wish we could celebrate with her like we did in these photos! These pics were taken on the Norwegian National Night, where we marched around the camp site the way the Norwegians celebrate their constitution day, May 17th. Marthe is in front, playing the cymbals!


Happy birthday, Marthe!! :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Max!

It's Max's birthday today, and celebrations are in order! Below he's on stage with his fantasy island team, presenting their fantasy island! (Max in the middle, holding the map!) Happy birthday, Max!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

 Today is Sarah's birthday! Happy Birthday, Sarah! Here are a few shots from Snow White's Wedding, where Sarah played the beautiful Snow White. Here she is, throwing the bouquet! :)

Happy Birthday Grace!

Today is Grace's birthday! We hope you will have an amazing day! Here are some pictures, the one below is from the US National Night, and you can see Grace teaching Henrik from the staff how to cook a marshmallow properly :) Happy Birthday, Grace!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mie!

Today is also Mie's birthday! Here's a picture of her with Ale taken on Open Day. Happy Birthday, Mie!

Happy Birthday, Mike!

It's Mike's birthday today! Here are two pictures of him, one from flag time while waiting for everyone to gather around the flag pole, and one with Ale on stage on Gala Night! Happy Birthday, Mike!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jenna!

 It's Jenna's birthday today, and here's some pictures of her trying to eat a bun hanging from a string. We think you did a great job, sweet Jenna! Happy Birthday! :)

Happy Birthday, Holger!

 Today is Holger's birthday! Here are some shots from Cinderella's wedding, where Holger played the Prince! Looking good, Holger! Happy Birthday :)

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