Saturday, July 7, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Whenever there's a birthday here at camp, we celebrate with cakes and fun times! So far we have celebrated both Lola and Anna from Spain! On Lola's birthday, the Staff and the Kitchen Staff prepared these two delicious cakes for the celebrations:
Henrik and Marthe from the Staff were super happy about the sweet treats!

We have found her!

Here she is! Snow White! She has overslept, on her wedding day!


We found Doc, he is the biggest dwarf we have ever seen! He is really bossy, he makes us stand in a line and listen, he makes us do tasks for him, get him a glass of water, and he is not nice about it. How do we make him want to help us? Should we obey his orders and do what he tells us, or do we make an uproar? What will make him like us?


We found Sleepy too, he is so sleepy! How do we wake him up in a nice way so that he will help us? Will a hug do it?


We found little Bashful! He's very shy, and insecure, how do we make him feel comfortable so he will help us and give us the clue we need? What makes us feel comfortable when we meet new people and feel a little nervous and shy? Maybe we have to tell him our names and that we want to be his friend?


We've found Grumpy!! But he is refusing to help us! How can we make him happy so that he will help us? What makes us happy when we are grumpy? A hug? Someone showing us sympathy?

Activity snap shot

Right now we're all gathered for activity, it's snow white's wedding, but snow white is missing! Oh no! All the fairy tale characters are here: Aladdin, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Little Red Riding Hood, The Beast, Esmeralda, Thiana and the prince! But where are the seven dwarfs? We have to go and look for them, maybe they can lead us to Snow White!

Lake Fake

 Right next to our camp site here at Sunny Hill, there's a fake lake, which we have named Lake Fake. It is a perfect place for hot summer days, and both today and yesterday we went there during some of the activities.
 We got to swim in the "lake", and it was a lot of fun!
  We also had fun on land:

We hope we will have more sunny days to come, so that we can enjoy the nice weather at Lake Fake.
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