Saturday, July 7, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Whenever there's a birthday here at camp, we celebrate with cakes and fun times! So far we have celebrated both Lola and Anna from Spain! On Lola's birthday, the Staff and the Kitchen Staff prepared these two delicious cakes for the celebrations:
Henrik and Marthe from the Staff were super happy about the sweet treats!


  1. Happy Birthday Lola and Anna!!

  2. Feliz Aniversário is how we say Happy Birthday in portuguese. Hope Lola and Anna enjoyed their
    celebration !
    Lara's mom

  3. Happy birthday from Spain. Thank you very much for the blog, we are following it every day. Cristina's parents

  4. mag (Marie's Mum ) FRANCEJuly 8, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    bon anniversaire Lola et Anna !!!
    and thank you all once again for the pictures and for this blog!!!

  5. Hi everyone, thank you for your comments! We are so happy to see that you are all reading it every day, and we appreciate the little messages you are leaving for us :)

    Big hugs - The Staff


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